Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vermont school transportation costs rise

While the number of miles dropped, the cost for transporting students to and from school in Vermont increased.

A new analysis in the Vermont Transportation Energy report shows miles driven decreased by two percent, but the cost of driving those miles went up 29 percent to more than 48 million dollars. The Burlington Free Press reports that the report covers a five year period from 2003 through 2008. The report says quote -- “The increase in cost parallels the increase in fuel cost. These costs are borne by local property taxpayers as part of their overall school taxes.” The reports states that only a portion of transportation costs was spent on fuel though. This summer, Vermont didn’t see the budget-busting prices for fuel of last year. Triple A says diesel set a record of nearly $5.00 a gallon in Vermont in June 2008, compared with $2.78 on Wednesday. But fuel costs remain more substantial than in previous years.