Tuesday, May 7, 2013

WVTK Local & State News May 7, 2013

The Health Department has issued two reports about Asthma today.  They both show Vermont has the highest asthma rate in the nation with 1 in 10 children and approximately 11% of adults having asthma in 2010.  The Health Department says asthma is a respiratory disease that, if not treated, can cause permanent lung damage, disability and sometimes death.  May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month.

Although they're considered in the country illegally, immigrant farm workers may soon have valid proof of identity and residence in Vermont.  The House gave preliminary approval yesterday afternoon to a plan allowing the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue "driver privilege cards."  The Senate passed its immigrant driving bill in April while the House could vote on it again as soon as today.

Bars in Essex County could stop selling alcohol an hour earlier than they're currently allowed.  The Essex Board of Supervisors voted 15 to 1 to change the time from 4 to 3 AM.  The 3 o'clock time was a compromise reached between some bar owners and board supervisors.  The change isn't official until the New York State Liquor Board reviews the vote in a public hearing.

A Rutland man pled innocent to embezzlement charges yesterday morning.  Prosecutors say 27-year-old Mitchell Gioffi allegedly took nearly 100 high-priced items from Sears at the mall over a two-month period.  In a statement to police, Gioffi said he was stealing and selling the items because of his heroin addiction.  The monetary value of the stolen items was over $17,247.  Gioffi was released on conditions.  If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

Crews are investigating a brush fire in St. George on Sunday.  A press release says approximately 1 acre of land caught fire a few hundred feet from homes on Hemlock Road. Witnesses told police that several juveniles were seen exiting the woods in that area.  Police say this was the second fire at the same location involving the same juveniles.  Those juvenile suspects have been identified.  Police are still investigating the fire.

The Vermont House Judiciary Committee has approved a bill requiring labeling of food products containing genetically modified organisms.  But the measure isn’t expected to pass into law this year, because there isn’t enough time before the end of the session.  If it passes the House, as expected, the Senate will likely take it up in January.

If you like buying online to avoid a sales tax, you're not alone, but that luxury could soon change.  The Senate has passed the Marketplace Fairness Act.  It requires all online retailers to collect sales taxes for the state where the goods are shipped.  Shoppers who live in Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon won't be charged on goods they have shipped to their home state.  That's because these 5 states don't have a state-wide sales tax.  The bill now moves to the House.