Gov. Peter Shumlin is continuing to say he didn’t know the
extent of problems with the Vermont Health Connect insurance exchange website
until after Labor Day. That’s despite
numerous warnings beginning in the spring from a company brought in to review
development of the project about problems with the website, and its urgings
that the highest levels of state government be notified. Shumlin told a news conference earlier today
he’s tried to be transparent about problems with Vermont Health Connect.
Voters in Vergennes said “Yes” to both a proposed natural
gas pipeline and a bond for improvements and repairs at Vergennes
Union High School . Vermont Gas says the first phase of the
pipeline from Colchester to Middlebury will extend
availability of natural gas to 98-percent of homes and businesses in
Vergennes. The final vote margin in
Vergennes was more than two to one in favor of the pipeline. As for the bond, people in the Addison
Northwest Supervisory Union voted for the $2.8 million dollar bond. The funding will go towards constructing a
new kitchen, work to the cafeteria and the auditorium.
A woman attached by a bobcat last week in Putnam is
recovering. According to the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation, the bobcat attacked the woman
after she went to bring in her dogs after noticing the animal near her home. The woman was able to get away from the bobcat
and call family members for help. A
press release says an Emergency Conservation Officer took the bobcat from the
person who killed it. The bobcat tested
positive for rabies. State environmental
conservation officials say bobcat attacks on humans are extremely rare.