This year at the Vergennes Town Meeting, alderman will be distributing a survey about recreation. Earlier this month, a 10-question survey was created to get feedback from area residents on how they use existing city parks and recreation programs, how they rate their condition and importance, how funds should be spent on them and how those funds should be raised. Questions on the survey also ask what kind of programs should be offered and how they should be scheduled, and whether residents would support the position of a part-time recreation coordinator. Alderman say the results will help as they make plans for the future.
A bill aimed at clean up Lake Champlain has won approval in one Vermont House committee. House Bill 35 is on its way to the Agriculture Committee after the Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources committee approved it on a 7-2 vote on Friday. The bill provides new funding and requirements for farms, municipalities and developers to control runoff flowing into rivers that feed Lake Champlain. It's to be paid for in part with an increase in Vermont's rooms and meals tax, which goes to 9 and a half cents on the dollar, and the tax on alcohol served in restaurants and bars, which goes from 10 to 10 and a half cents on a dollar.
Authorities are once again warning you to be on the lookout this tax season. Vermont State Police say they've learned of a possible identity theft scam involving tax information. They say there have been reports of people receiving letters from both the IRS and the Vermont Department of Taxes advising them to complete a tax return because more information about them is needed. Police are asking any who receives any letters asking for information that should already be on the Form 1040 to please contact the IRS, the state Department of Taxes and the state police.
Funding for the United Way of Addison County is below projects. During this funding year, which runs through June 30, they hope to raise $720,000 for local nonprofits. So far they have received around $550,000. Officials say one of the main reasons, they are below in their goals is that workplace contributions are down. In that one category of fund raising they are around $100,000 below what they received during the previous funding year. They also added that many of their donors are older and they need to start recruiting younger donors.