Monday, April 6, 2015

WVTK Local & State News April 6, 2015

There are more TB cases at Charlotte Central School. Three more students have has positive skin tests for TB. A positive skin test result does not mean that a person is sick with TB disease (active TB), or that they can pass the bacteria on to anyone else. A positive skin test result means that the person has been exposed to TB, and has the bacteria in his or her body. A total of 19 children and two adults have tested positive out of 349 students and 84 adults who have been tested and evaluated at Charlotte Central School.

The Monkton Central School has new budget to put before voters. Last Thursday they warned a new spending plan that cuts $200,000 from the proposal defeated on Town Meeting Day. The new budget proposal also shifts some resources around. Residents will decide the fate of the new spending proposal next Tuesday, April 14.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a campaign to fight obesity across the state. A press release says Acting State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker will lead a tour throughout the state visiting organizations working on community-wide initiatives that address obesity and lack of physical activity. Dr. Zucker will also be providing health tips on social media under the hashtag #GetFitNYS.

If you’re itching to hit the trails and do some hiking you will have to wait just a bit longer. Officials say most trails are closed till around Memorial Day Weekend. The trails are usually closed this time of year due to ice and mud. Officials want to make sure the trials are ready for use before they open them for the season. To help get you ready for the season, the Green Mountain Club is holding a number of workshops about hiking and how to be prepared for just about anything on the trails. For more information, head to

While most lakes and streams are still frozen, many anglers are gearing up for the start of trout season this upcoming weekend. The traditional trout fishing season opens Saturday, April 11. Vermont fisheries Director Eric Palmer says many of the biggest brown and rainbow trout caught in Vermont rivers each year are taken during the spring season. Fish and Wildlife plans to stock 18,000 trophy trout throughout Vermont this year