The Vermont Legislature has officially started the 2014
session. Vermont House Speaker Shap
Smith gaveled the House into session earlier today. Legislative leaders say the two top issues
they expect to be grappling with this year are closing a $70 million budget
shortfall and helping combat the abuse of opiate drugs. Smith says the differences of opinion among
the state’s lawmakers are what best serves the citizens they all represent.
The lab at Fletcher Allen Health Care has confirmed two
dozen cases of the flu, and indeed it’s the H-1-N-1 strain, the one five years
ago called “Swine Flu.” More than
30-flu-related samples were tested this weekend alone at the hospital lab. Health authorities say the standard flu
vaccine protects against this particular strain, and young people are the most
vulnerable to it. So far flu cases in Vermont
are considered sporadic, and not widespread as they are in 25 other states
across the country.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new state-wide
tax plan yesterday. The tax-reduction
plan is targeted at property owners and businesses. The $2.2 billion package is
supposed to help provide tax relief, job opportunities, and provide tax revenue
for the state and local governments within the span of 2 years. Governor Cuomo is also pushing to freeze property
taxes for 2 years. He plans to do this by having the state pick up the tab for
levy hikes.
The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation is
giving over $500,000 to 15 communities and nonprofits for recreational trail
projects. Funds may be used for the
development, rehabilitation and maintenance of trails and trailhead facilities
for multiple trail uses. About half of
the grant funds are awarded to Vermont Association of Snow Travelers for
grooming, signage and safety patrol of the statewide system of snowmobile
trails, with the other half divided between 14 other project sponsors. Sponsors are required to contribute at least
20 percent of the total project costs. Municipalities and nonprofit
organizations can now apply for Recreational Trails Program grant funds for
fall 2014 and spring 2015 construction seasons.
During cold weather, pipes are susceptible to freezing and
bursting. Any pipes that burst can cause
significant damage to the home and property.
Here are some ways you can help prevent frozen pipes: Keep the house heated to a minimum of 65
degrees. The temperature inside the walls where the pipes are located is
substantially colder than the walls themselves. A temperature lower than 65
degrees will not keep the inside walls from freezing. Identify the location for the main water
shutoff in your home and use it if you find one of your water pipes has
burst. You can also open hot and cold
faucets enough to let them drip slowly. Keeping water moving within the pipes
will prevent freezing. And if you haven’t
already, make sure all hoses are disconnected from outside spigots.