The Vermont Senate Education Committee voted unanimously to
support the Early Educators' Right to Organize bill earlier today. The committee chose to pass a bill that
mirrors the bill the committee supported last year as an amendment to the
Miscellaneous Education bill. This year,
the Education Committee chose to offer a stand-alone bill. The bill is expected to be referred to the
Senate Appropriations Committee before moving on to the full Senate.
Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin addressed lawmakers in his
State of the State address today. Gov.
Shumlin says Vermont 's economy is
rebounding from the worst national recession since the depression, with
unemployment being one of the lowest in the nation. Vermont
leads the nation in high school graduation rates and Gov. Shumlin wants to
expand pre-kindergarten and day-care programs across the state. Gov. Shumlin focused much of the State of the
State address on the growing crisis of drug addiction and drug-related crimes
in the state. Shumlin says the best prevention
is to provide a great education, good jobs, a thriving economy, and a good
quality of life to all Vermonters.
The harsh weather so far this winter season has kept road
crews busy and now some highway departments are running short on road
salt. Towns across the region have
been forced to use more salt on the roads this season than usual. The town of Moriah
is down to its last few tons of salt until more arrives. While waiting on salt deliveries, Essex
County is using sand on its roads
and has borrowed some salt from the state transportation department.