Despite the cold, authorities say the ice on Lake Champlain is actually getting weaker, thanks to the higher sun angle. With the higher sun, warmth is being absorbed below the surface, and melting the ice from the bottom up. State, local and federal agencies are advising Vermonters and visitors to simply play it safe this time of year, and stay off the ice.
Horse owners, if you haven’t already; consider vaccinating your animal for Triple-E and West Nile virus. That’s the plea by veterinarians with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture saying this is the time of year to talk with your own vet about that protection for horses. Triple-E, or Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile are both viruses carried by infected mosquitoes, with vaccinations seen as the most effective way to prevent the illness in horses. There is currently no vaccine to protect humans from the diseases.
They’re clerical mistakes, but mistakes all the same in the record of a mom convicted of abusing her daughter. A special Senate Child Protection Panel was formed after the death of two-year-old Dezirae Sheldon with questions of why the toddler was even returned to her mother, Sharon Eastman after the conviction. Wednesday, it was revealed some troubling mistakes were found in the records, but it’s not known if the correct information would have changed the decision to return Dezirae to her mother’s care. Dezirae’s stepfather, Dennis Duby, is charged with her murder.
Burlington City Councilors held a special meeting last night to discuss the CCTA Buss Driver Strike. It was a packed house for tense and emotional public testimony as the community voiced their thoughts on the strike. After hours of debate, they pass a resolution strongly recommending both sides resolve their differences as soon as possible. At this point there are no negotiations scheduled so the strike will go on for now.
The Principal of the Monkton Central School will remain on the job. The school board unanimously renewed the contract her contract during a special meeting on Monday. Susan Stewart has been the principal at the school since 2010.
The Vermont Senate is holding a final vote on legislation setting up a new system in the state for restricting toxic chemicals. The bill calls for setting up by 2016 a working group to advise the Department of Health on a list of chemicals of high concern by 2017. Manufacturers would have to report to the state if they are using such chemicals in a consumer product sold in Vermont. The Health Department would adopt rules that could lead to restrictions on the use of the chemical or labeling requirements. The Senate approved the measure yesterday. A final vote is scheduled for today.