Hundreds of people gathered, relatives, strangers, even the governor, all to remember a two-year-old murder victim. The candlelight vigil Saturday night was in memory of Dezirae Sheldon of Poultney, who was killed more than a week ago, with her stepfather charged with her murder. Candles lit up Main Street Park in Rutland, with Governor Peter Shumlin joining the child’s aunts and biological father with the message being to stop child abuse. Shumlin has already ordered an investigation into how the child was returned to her home not long after her mother had previously been charged with abusing her.
Police in Fair Haven are investigating an attempted kidnapping. It was reported Sunday afternoon, when two girls say a man got out of his truck, and tried to snatch them. They were waiting at the intersection of West Street and This-A-Way Avenue, and when the man tried to grab one of the girls by her clothes she managed to break away, with both girls running to a neighbor’s. Police say the man is described as being in his 60’s with gray hair, scruffy facial hair and wearing glasses. He was last seen wearing a plaid shirt and driving a blue truck on West Street headed towards New York Street.
Vermont State Police say two school buses belonging to Bet-Cha Transit, Inc. were vandalized sometime between Friday (2/28) and Saturday (3/1) afternoon. Police say the buses had a couple smashed out windows, possibly from rocks. Suspects are unknown at this time. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Vermont State Police at (802)-878-7111.
If you have purchased health insurance through Vermont Health Connect, you can now pay your bill online. The online payment function in the state’s online health marketplace had not worked since the system was launched last fall but officials finished an update this weekend to make online payments possible. Officials say any Vermonter who is enrolling by March 15th for April 1st coverage will be able to pay online in the normal part of the process, and anybody who has been enrolled will be able to go online and pay their bill that way as well. Small businesses were allowed to bypass the marketplace this year and buy plans directly from insurers. Officials expect the small business functions to be ready for 2015 enrollment.
Tomorrow is Town Meeting Day in Vermont. Towns from all across the state will have the chance to pitch their ideas to the legislature. Increasing property taxes to help fund education is by far the biggest issue. For example, Vergennes is asking for a 14% property tax increase. Williston needs the money for a new roof. Most poling locations open at seven tomorrow morning.