Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No bail for man held on threat charge

A Rutland jusge ordered a man held without bail after he allegedly threatened to use a shotgun against his mother, stepfather and police. 28-year-old William Mailhiot pleaded innocent last week to aggravated domestic assault with a weapon. Judge Thomas Zonay set bail at $25,000, but ordered him held for a probation violation on other charges.
Mailhiot was also arrested by Rutland police in June after police said they found him using drugs in a vacant apartment.
Mailhiot's mother told police that Mailhiot got into an argument with his stepfather, who left the house. She said that later, while she was talking to her son, he grabbed a loaded shotgun and said he would shoot anyone who threatened him.
If convicted of the felony charge, Mailhiot could face up to 15 years in jail.